How Often Should Alarm Panel Backup Batteries be Replaced?
Alarm panel batteries should be replaced about every four to five years. However, this amount of time can vary between different types of batteries and how often the panel switches over to its backup battery power. The system should display a warning message when the backup battery is low.
Most backup batteries for alarm systems function in a very similar manner. These are rechargeable devices that feed on a small amount of power from the plug-in transformer. While the system is running on standard AC or DC power, the battery will be slowly storing reserve power for later. The system will continuously monitor the backup battery to make sure that it is always ready in case the power goes out.
When the transformer is unplugged, or if the electricity goes out, the system will automatically switch over to its backup battery in order to stay running. A backup battery will usually be able to keep an alarm system running for about 24 hours. However, this length of time will vary between different backup batteries and types of alarm systems. Certain high-capacity batteries will be able to keep the system running even longer.
Once the battery has reached a low-level of power, a low-battery trouble will be displayed on the system. This lets the user know that the system will likely shut off if transformer power is not restored soon. After the electricity comes back on, the backup battery will once again begin reserving power for future use.
But batteries do not have an infinite life-span. Over time, the backup battery will be able to hold less and less of a charge. If a system has not had to switch over to backup power in awhile, yet a low-battery warning is still being displayed (normally accompanied by keypad beeping), then it is likely that the battery is near the end of its life-span. The battery should be replaced as soon as possible when this occurs to prevent the charging circuit from burning out. This will typically occur after about four to five years.
It is best to give us a call to arrange for a technician to visit, or make sure to use a compatible replacement battery for the alarm panel being used.
How Loud Should My Siren Be?
Your siren should be loud enough to hear throughout the building. If your current siren is not loud enough, then you have two options. You can add a second siren, or you can install a louder one. A siren must be at least 90 decibels (dB) to meet Nationally Recognized Industry Standards.
Even though industry standards require a siren to be at least 90 dB, this still might not be loud enough for certain applications. For example, if the siren is being used in a large commercial location, then you will certainly want a louder siren. For reference, 90 dB is about as loud as a vacuum cleaner. Some users will find this to be perfectly suitable for their needs. Other users might want something louder.
At the other end of the spectrum, Alarm Solutions sells many internal / external sirens capable of producing sounds up to 120 dB. This is about as loud as a jet plane at take-off. A siren this loud will make it physically uncomfortable to remain in the building. Many applications require extremely.
Loud sirens that can produce high intensity sounds at these levels. There are also some homeowners who simply want the loudest siren possible for the sake of scaring off intruders. And there is no reason they can't.
Realistically, most users will fall somewhere in the middle. They will want a siren that they know they will hear in all situations, but not something that will make it physically uncomfortable to stay in the building. A happy medium for many people is a siren that operates at 105 dB. This about as loud as a jackhammer.
Remember, you don't necessarily need to add a louder siren. You might just consider adding a second siren. Consideration though needs to be given to the power available within the alarm system to run additional sirens.
Keep in mind that sirens represent an important component of your alarm system. These devices should be tested regularly just like the rest of your system. You should consider how loud your siren is during the test. If you think you might sleep through the siren, then you might need to add a louder one. The same is true if there is a part of the building where you cannot reliably hear the siren. Consider your own needs and determine if your current siren is loud enough or if you need to add another one.